4-5 December, 2014
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute


Draft programme might be subjected to changes.

Thursday 4th December
  9:00 am   Registration  
  10:00 am   Welcome  
      Speaker Session Chair: Natasha Harvey (CCB) Vascular 1
10:15 am 11:05 am Keynote speaker: Holger Gerhardt ==CANCELLED==
10:20 am 10:45 am Chris Mitchell
Regulation of angiogenesis by PI3-Kinase/Akt signaling
10:45 am 11:10 am Xiangjian Zheng
The cerebral cavernous malformation pathway regulates cardiac development by maintaining cardiac matrix hemostasis
11:10 am 11:35 am Quenten Schwarz
Defining neural crest cell and blood vessel interactions
11:35 am 11:50 am Sophie Wizniak
Neural crest cell-derived VEGF promotes vascular growth to drive jaw extension
11:50 am 12:05 pm Anne Lagendijk
Live imaging of a zebrafish VE-Cadherin tension sensor transgenic line reveals patterns of force at maturing artery adherens junctions
  12:05 pm  1:10 pm Lunch  
      Speaker Session Chair: Mirana Ramialison (ARMI) Regeneration & Stem cells 1
1:10 pm 1:35 pm Milena Furtado
Cardiogenic transcriptional network in heart fibroblast biology and disease
1:35 pm 2:00 pm Kazu Kikuchi
Immune regulation of zebrafish heart regeneration
2:00 pm 2:25 pm James Hudson
Developmental Profile and Differentiation of Bioengineered Heart Muscle
2:25 pm 2:40 pm David Anderson
NKX2-5 has a critical role in regulating cardiovascular development
2:40 pm 2:55 pm Choon Boon Sim
Post-natal DNA methylation dynamics during heart development
  2:55 pm 3:25 pm Afternoon tea  
      Speaker Session Chair: Nadia Rosenthal (ARMI) Cardiac Development/CHD 1
3:25 pm 3:50 pm Anne Voss
The histone acetyltransferase MOZ in cardiovascular and craniofacial development
3:50 pm 4:15 pm Janna Morrison
Maternal nutrition and cardiac development in offspring before and after birth
4:15 pm 4:40 pm Hongjun Shi
The Developing Mouse Heart is Susceptible to Hypoxia
4:40 pm 4:55 pm Mauro Costa
A novel understanding of a complex disease: The interplay of Congenital Heart Disease and Obesity
4:55 pm 5:10 pm Stanley Artap
The ETS transcription factor, Erg, regulates Bmp signaling and is important for endocardial-cardiomyocyte interactions during murine cardiogenesis
  5:10 pm 6:30 pm Drinks and Poster Session  
  7:00 pm  Dinner at Naughtons Parkville Hotel (directions)
Friday 5th December
      Speaker Session Chair: Richard Harvey (VCCRI) Cardiac Development/CHD 2
9:00 am 9:50 am Keynote speaker: Benoit Bruneau
9:50 am 10:15 am Kelly Smith
Transmembrane protein 2 (Tmem2) is required for cardiovascular development
10:15 am 10:40 am Rob Bryson-Richardson
The Regulation of Gene Expression by Blood Flow in the Developing Heart
10:40 am 10:55 am Lauren Bourke
The first mouse mutants of a novel epigenetic modifier Rearranged L-Myc Fusion (Rlf) display defects in heart development
  10:55 am 11:25 am Morning tea  
      Speaker Session Chair: Leigh Coultas (WEHI) Vascular 2
11:25 am 11:50 am Natasha Harvey
Defining the role of GATA2 in lymphatic vessel growth and morphogenesis.
11:50 am 12:15 pm Ben Hogan
PKD1/PCP signalling pathways control lymphatic vascular morphogenesis in vertebrate embryos
12:15 pm 12:40 pm Matt Francois
Dissecting the molecular function of SOXF transcription factors during endothelial cell specification
12:40 pm 12:55 pm Genevieve Secker
Characterisation of cell and non-cell autonomous roles of the Nedd4 ubiquitin ligase during vascular development
12:55 pm 1:10 pm Kaska Koltowska
Precursor cell division generates distinct lymphatic and venous endothelial identities during secondary angiogenesis in zebrafish
  1:10 pm 2:15 pm Lunch  
  2:15 pm  2:45pm Business meeting
      Speaker Session Chair: David Elliot (MCRI) Stem cells & Regeneration 2
2:45 pm 3:10 pm Nadia Rosenthal
Immune regulation of tissue regeneration
3:10 pm 3:35 pm Samir Taoudi
Understanding the instruction of haematopoietic commitment during embryogenesis
3:35 pm 3:50 pm Celia Vandestadt
The role of immunecells and vasculature in spinal cord regeneration in zebrafish
3:50 pm 4:05 pm Daniela Grassini
Identification of novel regulators of cardiac morphogenesis by means of a large-scale forward genetic screen in the zebrafish
4:05 pm 4:30 pm Enzo Porrello
Epigenetic control of cardiac development and regeneration
  4:45 pm   Closing remarks & Presentation Awards  
  5:00 pm   Meeting close